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Website Must Haves: 6 Tips for Booking More Clients

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Websites for selling premium services

​​We’ve created a lot of websites for service providers, and while every client is unique, there’s a few things we hear over & over:

  1. I want to attract more aligned clients
  2. I’d love to charge more for my services

If you’ve ever thought either, you’re definitely not alone!

That’s why we’re sharing the six website must-haves if you want to book more clients.

Let’s dive in!

1. A Curated Portfolio

It’s tempting to want to use your website as a collection of everything you’ve ever created (we’ve definitely done it!), but that’s not necessarily the best way to market your services.

Having too much to look through is a quick way to overwhelm potential clients. Instead, curate a small selection of your best work, and only include the type you want more of.

Curate your portfolio. Don't add every project you've ever done to your website. Just add your best work that you want more of  | Website Must-Haves: 6 Tips for Booking More Clients

Don’t forget to share the story behind the work, even if it’s a passion project. If potential clients can see themselves in your past projects, they’ll be more likely to believe you can solve their problems and help them reach their goals.

And, of course, always include a testimonial for each project if you have one!

2. ‘Starting At’ Prices

Luckily, the days of hiding your prices until you get someone on a sales call are long gone.

People respect transparency, and usually want to have a price range in mind before they reach out.

The good news is… as long as the value of your services is clear, adding some sort of price range will likely increase your booking rate.

And don’t feel like the prices you list have to apply to all projects. You’re just giving people an idea of what to expect.

We like to use the phrase, “Our packages begin at $X and our average client spends between $X and $X.”

Add a price range or a starting-at price in order to increase your booking rate  | Website Must-Haves: 6 Tips for Booking More Clients

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to pricing your services is that people are willing to pay a premium for expertise in the exact thing they need. And that brings us to number three…

3. A Clear Specialty

This is another place where we’re all tempted to list everything we know how to do as a service, but that actually does us a disservice. (See what we did there?)

People are willing to pay a premium for expertise in the exact thing they need, so it’s best to focus on one or two areas of expertise and create simple packages that align with them.

People are willing to pay a premium for expertise, so make sure you focus on a clear specialty  | Website Must-Haves: 6 Tips for Booking More Clients

4. A Polished Design

A professional website design tells potential clients that you take your business, and their investment, seriously.

It also shows that you’re dedicated to creating a great experience for them — one that’s worth a premium.

While we recommend doing anything necessary to get your business up and running (the first step is the hardest!), when you’re ready to level-up and start charging a premium, it’s time to make sure your website is just as polished as your client experience.

A polished design tells potential clients that you take your business seriously  | Shop Showit Website Templates for Creatives

5. An Email Capture Form

Every visit to your website is a potential lead, even if they’re not ready for your services yet… or need more convincing before hiring you.

That’s why a freebie or lead magnet is one of our website must-haves. It’s a great incentive for people to turn over their email so you can stay in touch and continue nurturing them.

Make sure you choose something that’ll sound really compelling to them, and can offer them a quick win without a ton of time or energy.

A freebie or lead magnet is a great incentive for people to turn over their email so you can stay in touch and continue nurturing them.​ | Website Must-Haves: 6 Tips for Booking More Clients

6. Cohesive Branding

Make it easy for potential clients to recognize you by using the same branding across all touchpoints.

Not only does cohesive branding help create brand awareness, but it also lowers your marketing costs. Win win!

Make it easy for potential clients to recognize you by using the same branding across all touchpoints | Shop Showit Website Templates for Creatives

Skip the setup & grab the template!

Don’t want to manually set up everything yourself? Grab the template!

These six website must-haves are exactly what we used to create Brooklyn South, our new Website Template designed for service providers.

It’s strategically crafted to help you book more clients and charge higher rates, and it’s built for the Showit platform — the easiest & best website platform out there.

Showit Website Template for Service Providers - Easy to Use and Optimized for Conversion

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