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Do you Need More than One Logo for your Brand?

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We get this question a lot, and the answer is… no and yes.

No, you don’t necessarily need more than one version of your logo… and you definitely shouldn’t let that hold you back from putting your brand out into the world!

However, once you have your brand basics established, variations are super nice to have.

Not only do they add depth and personality to your brand, but they also add a ton of flexibility.

For example, the logo version that you use in your website navigation often needs to be horizontal, but a vertical or stacked version might work better for your social media profile images.

We also love pairing on-brand sayings or taglines with a brand mark to create stamps, adding even more personality to a brand.

Here’s an example of a recent brand we designed, and how the different logo versions can be used across different touchpoints:

So, the answer is you don’t need more than one logo, but it definitely gives your brand more personality and makes it a lot more flexible ✌️

We’d love to support you with your branding! ? Here are a few ways we can help:

1. Custom Design Services: If you’re looking to grow & have the budget to invest in leveling-up your business, we can explore your brand in more depth and create something unique and long-lasting. Learn about our Custom Design Services.

2. DIY Branding Course. If you’re just getting started or have a smaller budget, a DIY solution can get you up and running quickly. Our course, Oh Hey, New Brand, walks you through the branding process step-by-step & gives you 4 opportunities to send your brand to us for personalized feedback.​

3. Free Branding Workshop. In our free workshop, How to Create a Brand People Love, we show you how to create a killer brand on a budget (without hiring a designer); a proven framework for attracting more of the RIGHT customers; and our designer secrets to push your brand to the next level. Register now!

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